Facts About Retreads
Does the rubber you see on the highways comes always from retreaded tires?
Factors such as excessive heat through under inflation or overloading can cause this problems, regardless retreaded tires or new tires.
Retreads will save your money?
Definitely! retreading is an effective way to lower your total tire cost
Retreads are not safe?
- Quality new tires are manufactured to be retreaded. They are 100% safe.
- Retreading is a controlled process using high tech equipment.
- Nearly all major airlines company equips their planes with retreads!
Are retreads are environmentally friendly?
- Retread tires use only about 30% of energy used to make new tires.
- Retread tires use only 7 gallons of oil compared to 22 gallons to make new tire.
- Retread tires decreases the amount of tires that goes into landfills and tire piles.
Retreads performs less than new tires?
This is not true, while they may not perform 100% like the new tyre but you do get a close to 100% result. Even airplanes use retreaded tyre.
Retreading is Recycling

Tyres are basically petrochemical products. It takes 100 Liters of oil to manufacture one new truck tire. Since most of that oil is found in the tyre casing which is reused in the retreading process, only 32 Liters of oil are needed to retread that same tyre. A fleet using as few as 100 tires a year can help save 6820 Liters of oil annually, while substantially reducing the number of casings that end up in the landfills.
Retreads are proven to be as safe and durable as new tyres. Professional retreaders adhere to stringent industry standards at every step at the retreading process. Tire strength tests sponsored by the International Tire and Rubber Association dramatically illustrate that a worn tire has approximately the same body strength as a comparable new tyres. Retreads in all applications, from passenger car to heavy construction equipment, have consistently demonstrated the same integrity in operation as comparable new tyres.
Many trucking Fleets plan their new tyre purchases with the intention of having worn casings retreaded two or more times as a routine part of their tyre budgets. Retreaded tyre are used safely every day on school buses, tire engines and ambulances, taxis, postal service vehicles and by millions of motorists. Aircraft companies average six retreads per casing while some tires are being retreaded as many as 12 times. The statistics are equally impressive for the truck tire industry.
The saving that end users can derive from using retreaded tyres are substantial.
Every time a tire is retreaded there is a considerable saving of raw material, including synthetic and natural rubber, sulfur and sulfur compounds, silica, carbon black, steel wire, zinc oxide, and a number of other materials and ingredients.
- Every tire that is retreaded is one less tire that needs to go to a landfill. Although all tires eventually come to the end of their useful lives, including retreads, as long as another tire takes the place of the tire whose life has ended, there will always be one less tire for the landfill. Think of a juggler: There is always one ball up in the air.
- In summary, retreading is recognized as the HIGHEST AND BEST USE for a worn tire, and for good reason. As we stated above, all tires do eventually come to the end of their useful life, but as long as they can enjoy one or more useful lives before their demise, we all benefit.
DEVELOPED COUNTRIES LIKE The U.S. government actively supports retreading, which is why there is even a Federal Executive order (13149) MANDATING the use of retreads on certain federal fleet vehicles.
Let us arrange for you to visit OUR factory. We know that you will come away with a new appreciation for the care that goes into today’s modern retreads, and you will probably want to make your next set of tires retreads.
Retreaded tires allow you to do well and good at the same time. Well, because you will keep more money in your pocket the next time you buy tires. Good, because you will be helping the environment without sacrificing safety, performance or handling.